Tuesday, November 16, 2010

6a's and 6b's garden

6a an 6b have been looking after gardens we have planted carrots peas tomatoes ect our gardens are brighting up our school an making our shool look alot better. We have been selling food to the staff.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I am so excited about school camp. All the grade 6's are going to Emu Gully. Zoe has told me it is really fun. We get to go in mud (ewwwwww my hair)which will be alot of fun. I hope I get all my friends in my cabin,Katelyn Katlyne Kartiah Kaylah ect. I have always loved school camp so this year I hope i do.

IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Disco

This Friday on the 20Th me an my best friend katlyne are going to the disco before we go to the disco katlynes parents are taking us to kfc for some dinner then her dad will drop us off.
After the disco katlynes mum or dad will pick us up an take us back to katlynes house. Me an katlyne usually stay up till 12:00 eating lollies an watching movies i am really excited.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Talent Show

On the 22ND of June the talent show was on. I was in it I did dancing with my family Kaylah me
(Jade) Amelia Chloe Tamika an Bianca Buttigieg. We did a song to Taylor Swift. I felt a bit embarrassed for a while cause just everyone was staring at me. I was so happy yesterday cause my cousin Alyce was there so was my mum Aunt an my uncle Tony. I had to wear a pink cowboy hat that i didn't want to wear at all but my cousin Kaylah made me an it turned out that I looked fine. There were so many good acts I liked. My cousins Chloe an Bianca were in another act with there friend casey in grade 2 they also did a song to Taylor Swift they were so cute. There was comations for family ones solo ones ect we didnt win shamly but to me the main thing was that we tryed.

Monday, June 14, 2010

On the 18Th of june is our sports carnival.I am in mackillop which is the colour green that we have to wear.I love the sport carnivals they are fun!.sport carnivals keep you healthy along with alot of other things to an it is really goodexercise. I hope I get 1st 2ND or 3rd.My goal is to not to come last in any of my races.I love sport so i look forward to the sports carnival an all the athletic stuff.To me there is no boring bit in sport an i try to stay confident in all i do in sport.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Family History

My class 6a has been on a unit called family history. we have researched way back in our family.

I have liked doing this unit because i have learnt new stuff about my family.
It was fun when we went to the hat exhibition an the library it was fun.
The thing that i have least enjoyed was really nothing have enjoyed it all because it has made me alot more interested in family history.
I have been learning about my mums side. Her side comes from Spain an her mums mum had a big family tree which helped me alot. My mum had a look around the house an she found a big big big family tree which helped me alot it went back till like the 1780 0r something. I picked my mums side to research on because we had more info on her side which was great.
I loved learning about my familys history.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wild man

The Wild Man has came to our school our class 6A was excited about talking to him. I have heard that he is funny intereting but a little crazy to. He has came to our school to talk to us about animals animals poos shape ect.

also what has been happening

Gala day was on the 14/05/10
I play netball.I got to play two games we won the first game
we scored 4 points the pther team scored 1. On my second game
we came 2nd by about 2 points the other team scored four points
we scored 2 points.